Friday, June 19

RSS feeds

Well!! This lesson was much better aligned with my personal interests.

RSS feeds ...what a great tool! I had a very interesting and enjoyable journey and it was easy to subscribe to various feeds. I could seriously imagine myself spending many hours following RSS feeds and not getting anything else done!!

I subscribed to five RSS feeds, being:

John Oxley Library Blog Word of the Day
The Courier Mail/Movies
ABC News/Top stories
Brisbane weather

Indeed, RSS feeds could be used as one's own newspaper. For a Reference Librarian it could be a very useful tool in order to keep up with the latest topics of interest to people in our community. Often library clients seek the assistance of a Reference Librarian when searching for more information about some topic in the news or a public debate happening thru the media outlets.

Social Networking

I did the "tour" of a number of sites. All them, of course, require one to create an account, so I only chose to sign in to twitter. I like the name ...

I viewed 2 videos:

"Social Networking in Plain English" and
"Twitter Search in Plain English".

In twitter I signed up to follow a friend, invited a friend to twitter and also signed up to follow John Donvan, ABC News Correspondent.

The Ning Group - Gaming Learning and Libraries seems to be a good site ...but alas, as I seem to have a very strong aversion to creating any social networking account, I could not go any further into this site, even though I would have liked to.

Yes, I agree with everyone, social networking sites can be very useful sites when searching for people, places, jobs, products, sharing info about common interests, etc., etc.

Long time no post!

I'm a bit behind with my Licence 2 Test Drive lessons. I blame it on the cold weather, it froze me into blogging inactivity.
Like most of my work colleagues I look for a window of opportunity within my work day to allow me to complete one of the lessons. I have yet to complete nos. 4 - 6.
Today I was reflecting on the question of whether blogging has any relevance to my life.
Yes, I can see this sort of technology will become an essential work skill in the future, given that it seems to be an effective and affordable form of communication for everyone to use.
No, I cannot see blogging as having a relevance in my own personal life.
To me, like to everyone else, my recreational and family time is precious and I choose to spend that spare time according to my own needs and values.
Would I choose to blog during my spare time instead of spending it with family, friends or gardening, or walking in the park? Never!

Wednesday, April 29

One step forward, two steps back!

That's very true, given that I am an older canine trying to learn new tricks, just to prove that the old saying "can't teach an old dog new tricks" is not true!

Today I decided to change the title in my second post, which also had a five second video with music in it, from PhotoStory1 to Photo Sharing, to be more in line with the title the majority of my SLQ colleagues had given their 2nd posts in their own blogs. So I edited it and published it and presto, my video vanished into nothing as if my magic (black, I'm sure!), leaving behind just a square outline where it used to be, taunting me with the visual evidence of my techno ineptitude!

Well, just put it back I hear you say! However, given that I originally did not plan to create a video for my second post and did it purely by accident simply by clicking here, there and everywhere just to see what would happen, I now actually don't know how to put it back!

Oh, the joys of technology!!

Sunday, April 26


I checked out the Common Craft's Wikis in Plain English, an introduction for the Dummy (that's me!) to the world of Wikis...what's not to like?! Anything in plain English works for me!

I was impressed but not surprised to read that the German language version of Wikipedia was found to be more accurate than their Brockhaus encyclopaedia...I always
expect the Germans to be terribly efficient and organised in everything they do!

If my job was to purchase interesting books my library, the BookLovers Wiki would be a must for me to visit regularly. Their Index to the [book] Reviews seems like a useful tool to use when deciding which books to purchase, particularly their 5 Star Reviews.

I visited the slq library 2.0 and added a comment easy!

Shopping is a topic dear to my heart and I edited and added to the information about shopping in Tingalpa and saved it in the Wikipedia.

Thursday, April 16

Photo sharing

Originally uploaded by kajimruzenka
May you well wonder what has a photograph of clivia in its' full, orange glory have to do with my very enjoyable work at Public Libraries Services Unit? Not a thing ....I just like to admire my own photographic skills, humble as they are!!

Thursday, March 19

First blog

Dear Colleagues, if you ever had the occasion to visit the State Library of Queensland, Public and Indigenous Library Services unit at Cannon Hill, you will have met me already!! Yes, I'm the one who meets and greets you at the front door and asks you to sign the Visitors' Book, just in case there is a fire whilst you are here with us, so our Fire Wardens know to look for you! Yes, of course, I also show you where the nearest Exit door is in the area where you will be working in. And when you are finished with us for the day, I ask you to sign out of the Visitors' Book so that our Fire Wardens are not looking for you if there is a fire!

Well now, that over and done with, it is a good start to our working relationship, don't you think?!! But I fear I have digressed a bit with all this talk about fire safety precautions...
Back to the start of your visit with us ...

As I always worry that you all may have had a harrowing time navigating the challenging/hostile? traffic conditions on your way to Cannon Hill, I lead you to our staff room first, where I have prepared for you coffee, tea, sugar, milk, our best Visitors' mugs, mismatched teaspoons and the obligatory Arnotts biscuits, to help you recover from your road trip and prepare you for the further trials...oops, sorry, interesting times, ahead. This is the time where I get to know you and of course, you get to know me. That bit of socialising is very important as we will be spending at least a few hours together, if not the whole day. It is my task to assist you in every way during the time it takes you to select your required book numbers in the various LOTE languages you need to borrow from PandILS.
We will make good use of this tea-time by discussing your "wish list". Casting my expert eye over your wish list I will tell you yes, you will have no trouble in finding good book stock in all those languages, but sorry, we have been unable to source more new books in the Bosnian language but we live in hope!! Or something along those lines ...