Wednesday, April 29

One step forward, two steps back!

That's very true, given that I am an older canine trying to learn new tricks, just to prove that the old saying "can't teach an old dog new tricks" is not true!

Today I decided to change the title in my second post, which also had a five second video with music in it, from PhotoStory1 to Photo Sharing, to be more in line with the title the majority of my SLQ colleagues had given their 2nd posts in their own blogs. So I edited it and published it and presto, my video vanished into nothing as if my magic (black, I'm sure!), leaving behind just a square outline where it used to be, taunting me with the visual evidence of my techno ineptitude!

Well, just put it back I hear you say! However, given that I originally did not plan to create a video for my second post and did it purely by accident simply by clicking here, there and everywhere just to see what would happen, I now actually don't know how to put it back!

Oh, the joys of technology!!

Sunday, April 26


I checked out the Common Craft's Wikis in Plain English, an introduction for the Dummy (that's me!) to the world of Wikis...what's not to like?! Anything in plain English works for me!

I was impressed but not surprised to read that the German language version of Wikipedia was found to be more accurate than their Brockhaus encyclopaedia...I always
expect the Germans to be terribly efficient and organised in everything they do!

If my job was to purchase interesting books my library, the BookLovers Wiki would be a must for me to visit regularly. Their Index to the [book] Reviews seems like a useful tool to use when deciding which books to purchase, particularly their 5 Star Reviews.

I visited the slq library 2.0 and added a comment easy!

Shopping is a topic dear to my heart and I edited and added to the information about shopping in Tingalpa and saved it in the Wikipedia.

Thursday, April 16

Photo sharing

Originally uploaded by kajimruzenka
May you well wonder what has a photograph of clivia in its' full, orange glory have to do with my very enjoyable work at Public Libraries Services Unit? Not a thing ....I just like to admire my own photographic skills, humble as they are!!