Wednesday, January 6


Having explored through some of the suggested sites for this program I realised I have in the past used other sites which incorporated the mashup technology....but I did not know that was what had been used. Like any other Internet user, I just accessed various sites and it did not occur to me to ask myself how certain effects were created ...just take it all for granted!
Now that I am all enlightened I can agree wholeheartedly that Mashups are a great leap forward in technology!!! I wish I had known about the SuburbView - Australian Real Estate Search Engine, when I was buying my townhouse. This search engine allows a user to search for a particular suburb and if any real estate listings for purchase or renting are found a link will appear to view on the map and also in GoogleEarth.

Explored Portwiture which uses photography from Flickr to match the content of one's most recent Twitter updates. It sounded like a fun activity to do so I tried to access my Twitter account (created some time last year and not used) but alas could not find it! I could have created another Twitter account but had to decide how much time I can spend on this activity so gave up on it.

The Multicolr Search Lab Flicker Set was another activity which sounded like fun. It allows the user to find images in the same colour shade. I can imagine the talented amongst us putting the site to some very creative uses. I would probably only use it to compile lots and lots of images of flowers and plants, boring to most people!!

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