Wednesday, January 6

Web browsers

Hey, I am a mere NOVICE here!!! There is only so much my novice skills will enable me to explore and play with!! And installing browsers is just not something I am willing to experiment with. If I need it in my own home lap top I will pay an expert to do it and in the work situation there are dedicated IT staff who know what they are doing!

Tour of Firefox 3.5 Watch the video was not very useful, due to the voice distortion/breaks I could barely understand 3 out of 10 words.

GoogleChrome - if for some unexpected reason I ever had to intall another browser to my own home lap top, the GoogleChrome is the one I would choose. The how-to instuctions were not offered via an annoying and hard to understand video recording, eg Firefox.
GoogleChrome downloading instructions seem very clean cut, links everywhere, lots of clear space in between written instructions. It gives the impression of being user friendly, particularly for mere NOVICES such as myself.

Do I ever see myself downloading any other web browsers to add to my existing one? Not if I can help it! Seems like a risky thing to do for a mere NOVICE like me. I would probably get it all wrong and still have to pay an expert to fix all the problems I had created!

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